This is Hectronic.
Since 1989, Hectronic has maintained the position as the most innovative designer and manufacturer of embedded solutions in the Nordic region. In terms of performance, size and power consumption, our embedded computer systems are state-of-the-art custom made solutions.
We live and breathe embedded innovations. You find our clients in various industrial contexts worldwide – including Defense, Vehicle, Maritime, Medical, Military and Telecom.
What do you need?
Custom Panel PC
One Solution, Many Advantages
One of our customers sought to replace an outdated separate computer and display system in operating vehicles with a more advanced and integrated solution. Specific requirements included an IP65-rated design, enhanced adjustability, and a streamlined installation process.
Hectronics solution was the development of a custom panel PC, uniquely designed with only one part number for efficient handling and ordering processes. This innovative system not only addressed the challenges but also offered a unified solution, serving as a common display and computer solution for a more homogeneous approach. The technical specifications were tailored to meet the specific needs of the customer, showcasing Hectronics expertise in providing custom embedded solutions.